Term and Conditions
Please thoroughly read and agree to the following disclaimer and conditions before signing up. Every member is subject to the general terms and conditions of InnerPsych.
All our services including but not limited to the chat service, the sessions with psychologists, blogs and podcasts are subject to the following terms and conditions. Involvement / interaction by way of accessing these services will require you to agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Terms and conditions of each service are provided on the website. All the following terms extend to anyone who visits the website even if they do not sign up to be a member.
Information and content (blog, podcast and chats) are for personal use only. Please be aware that content is written by volunteers from different fields and not by professionals.
It is up to the person’s discretion whether to take the advice or read content. InnerPsych accepts no responsibility if a person uses the advice or uses it to self -diagnose themselves or uses it in a way that was not intended by Inner Psych. This is not limited to members but extends to anyone who comes across Inner Psych’s content.
Who is an Inner Psych member?
Anyone who signs up on the website becomes a member and consequently becomes part of the InnerPsych community. The minimum interaction required to become a member is signing up to the website. A member is required to familiar themselves to our terms and conditions as they will be subject to those terms.
Personal Information
Inner Psych might collect a member’s personal information and record it like name, email address, phone number etc. Your personal information is gathered as part of your assessment and treatment. Electronic and paper records are securely stored and used only by your psychologist and authorised personnel of the practice (as necessary). You are entitled to access your personal information kept on file at any stage, subject to any exceptions in the relevant legislation. This is to effectively provide mental health services and allow our members to seek the benefits of our various services.
Any personal information acquired by InnerPsych shall be used in accordance with our privacy policy. An Inner Psych member automatically consents to the privacy policy while signing up to become a member.
Disclosure of personal information in psychologist appointments –
All personal information gathered by the psychologist during the provision of the psychological service will remain confidential except when:
1. it is subpoenaed by a court, or disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law; or
2. failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at serious and imminent risk to life, health or safety; or
3. your prior approval has been obtained to disclose information.
In the event that unauthorised access, disclosure or loss of a client’s personal information occurs, Inner Psych will use all reasonable endeavours to minimise any risk of consequential serious harm. Please read our security policy for more information.
You will be asked to provide information when signing up to be a member. Method of communication will be up to the healthcare professional. Communication modes such as fax, in-person meeting (subject to change), messaging from external platforms such as Facebook will be not used by the professional.
Email communication is not secure and should therefore contain minimal personal information. It will primarily be used for administrative purposes such as setting up appointments and reminders and receiving invoices and receipts. You are responsible for any costs incurred in the provision of your own hardware, software, and data usage as required in engaging in any remote services.
InnerPsych does not hold responsibility for the leak /disclosure of personal information because of the lack of fully secure modes that are available. Please read our security policy for more clarification.
We take security seriously and will use all reasonable means to protect your information. However, no method of electronic communication, storage or transmission is 100 % secure. We, therefore, cannot guarantee absolute security of your data/information. Inner Psych does not hold any responsibility if information is disclosed by a third party (hacking or unauthorised intervention) or in a way that was not intended by InnerPsych
Inner Psych is committed to adhere to the obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988, and will be collected by the Australian Government Department of Human Services for the assessment and administration of payments and services. This information is required to process your application or claim. Your information may be used by the department or given to other parties where you have agreed to that, or where it is required or authorised by law (including for the purpose of research or conducting investigations). You can get more information about the way in which the department will manage your personal information, including our privacy policy.
InnerPsych owns all content produce by its members or volunteers. Blogs and podcasts are the intellectual property of InnerPsych. Formal approval from the organisation is required to copy or reproduce any material. Copy or reproduction is unauthorised without explicit approval from the InnerPsych executive.
Terms of service
All the above terms apply to the terms of service. The following consists of terms of service related to

We understand that sometimes, you may need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, but we request that you provide at least 24 hours’ notice prior to your scheduled appointment. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice means another client can access that appointment time.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, call us on +61 261477358 or send an email to admin@innerpsych.co
Late Cancellations/No-Shows
Where less than 24 hours’ notice is provided, a cancellation fee of $60 will be charged in the unfortunate event that your session can not be filled. For any no-shows, a cancellation fee of $60 will be charged. You will receive a refund of the remaining cost of the session.
Appointment Reminders
To avoid missed appointments, your Psychologist will confirm your next session day/time at the end of each session. We will also send you an appointment reminder via SMS (by default) or email, around 48 hours prior to your session time, asking you to confirm your appointment. Alternatively, we may chose to call you 48 hours prior to your appointment as a reminder.
Extra Feature Conditions
Inner Tribe (Chat)
This is a chat service that helps you talk to other people in the community. This chat is mere for the purpose of helping people in the community feel supported.It acts as a community group for the members of Inner Psych, thereby any advice given by other members of the community should not be considered professional advice. It does not seek to provide professional advice or suggestions of any kind. Inner Psych will not be liable for any advice that a member implements nor do we take responsibility for any advice that is given by another member . Furthermore, Inner Psych recommends you to remain anonymous, however, you can disclose your identity at your own accord and Inner Psych will not be responsible if your identity is revealed.
Although this group is monitored weekly, we do not take responsibility for the chat to be regularly moderated. Any misconduct will not be tolerated; all members are expected to follow all the rules of the server. All Inner Tribe members are required to adhere to high behavioural standards that are expected by the InnerPsych team. InnerPsych has the discretionary powers to ban a member from interacting on the chat service. The member can be banned for not meeting the behavioural standards or any reason that the InnerPsych team feels appropriate.
Inner Stories
Inner stories are blogs that are an integral part of our mission of making people feel supported.These blogs are either written by members of the community or by the InnerPsych team. Any blog published will be thoroughly evaluated beforehand by the InnerPsych team. However, we do not take responsibility if any reader finds the content disturbing, offensive or inappropriate.
Inner Thoughts
This is a series of podcasts written to make members of the Inner Psych Community feel supported. The podcasts are recorded by members of the Inner Psych Community. Any podcast published is thoroughly evaluated beforehand and moderated by the Inner Psych team. However, we do not take responsibility if any reader finds the content disturbing, offensive or inappropriate.